Thursday, July 5, 2012

Everything is Not What it Seems

Today hasn't been the most productive day for art. Actually, I haven't done anything about thinking about art today. I did a lot of watching and observing today. T-shirt designs are more inspiring than you think. So are TLC shows. Hey hey hey! I didn't ask for criticism!

But watching these shows all day really made me think. The press gives a lot of false information about the people on these shows. Or just merely by watching them you judge them based on one act of absurdity. Then you solemnly make a pact with yourself to think of that person as a bad individual and then flip the channel.

So, I'll admit, I was very quick to make judgments about said people. I turned up my nose, exclaiming, "These people are horrible to each other and a bad influence. I don't wanna watch this!" But then after a couple more episodes of the show I was criticizing, and I realized these people weren't so bad. Suddenly I saw them doing nice things for each other, or just having a light and fluffy personality. And I realized they were just like me, and they didn't deserve any more harsh, or better, treatment than I do. I realized under all those camera lights there was a regular human just like me. And once I realized that I enjoyed those shows.

So life lesson for me today is people are too quick to judge, especially me. So please, try not to judge someone based upon what they did or their appearance. How can we possibly judge the future? We are not master of time, or master of people. And since I couldn't sum up how I feel about the human race any better, I end with a quote.

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."
--Anne Frank

Monday, July 2, 2012

Let it Be

Ever since I was a little girl I was doomed to be a character.

Well, I wouldn't say "doomed". But I would say tied to a destiny that was ever-changing.

I never would do anything for more than five seconds and then move on, claiming it was boring. I have not changed my ideals since.

So, my friends, I apologize for not posting on this blog very often. But, my life is crazy, henceforth I am crazy. I posses many quirks, many attitudes, many opinions, and now this was born.

I have entitled this piece "Soft Whispers".

It was done on really cruddy drawing paper (see the buckling around the face), micron outlining pens and Grumbacher watercolor.

I feel I have improved so much in these past few years. But as I know, an artist is constantly improving, and art is never good or bad. But based on the things I can do, my knowledge of techniques, the things I'm no longer afraid of- I have vastly improved.

But I named this piece for a reason. Maybe I'm just making this up on the spot or maybe it's been deep in the crevices of my mind for a while, but here's what I've concluded.

For so long I've felt this swelling in my heart, this lightness in my bones, and it all seems to say:

Let it be. 

This is what I need to learn to be dependent on. To not be dependent on anything. To listen to those soft whispers in my head that tell me it'll be alright and for a second believe them. To let my guard down and let the wind carry me away.

Let it be. 

Let it be.